Cultivate a dedicated and interactive following on social media platforms.

See all of your comments, stay on top of important interactions, and turn followers into fans using Posts Baby.

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Best time to post

See the times that will earn your Instagram posts the highest reach.

Best type of post

Find out whether videos, pictures, text, or link posts perform best for you.

Best posting frequency

Determine how often you should be posting to drive the most engagement

Plan out the perfect posting schedule

Queue up content on an automated schedule or choose a custom time for each post. You’re in total command of what you share and when.

Reply to comments from your dashboard

View your unanswered comments in one simple dashboard. Posts Baby will highlight the most important ones for you.

Manage social media in one place

Never miss a comment

The familiar grid view allows you to see which posts have unanswered comments and quickly jump from post to post.

Custom reports

Add metrics and charts from multiple social channels.

Daily updates

Set your reports up once, and they'll be updated daily

Prioritize important conversations

Smart alerts using machine learning let you know at a glance if a post has questions, negative sentiment, or comments about a purchase.

It's all about efficiency

There’s only so much time in the day for social media marketing. Keyboard hotkeys and smart emojis help you quickly interact with more fans, without having to pick up your phone.

Collaborate on content with your team

Work together with your team to create content that’s high quality, on-brand, and that your audience is going to love.

Brainstorm ideas

Relevant post ideas at the click of a button

Write faster

Instant suggestions to quickly generate engaging posts

Repurpose posts

Turn a LinkedIn post into a Twitter Thread in mere seconds

Post inspiration

Get social media post suggestions from long-form content

Create and share beautiful reports

Build fully customized reports, and easily export them — to share them with your team, manager, and stakeholders.

Draft posts

Create drafts, get feedback, and refine content as a team


Review posts for quality and brand before hitting publish

Stay in sync

Everyone's posts will be shared within your preset schedule

Get in-depth insights to grow your brand on social media

Measure social media performance, create gorgeous reports, and get recommendations to grow reach, engagement & sales.

One dashboard for your social media analytics and reporting

Track performance and create reports for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn — all from one intuitive analytics dashboard.

Measure & analyze the performance of your content

Get a broad understanding of your performance across multiple accounts, and in-depth insights into specific social channels.

Get answers to your biggest questions

Posts Baby teel you when, what, and how often to post to maximize results. Your best time to post is predicted using your followers’ activity and your previous posts.

Build a loyal and engaged social media audience by consistently delivering valuable content and fostering meaningful interactions. Cultivate connections by responding to comments and initiating conversations to create a dedicated following that actively engages with your brand.

Louis Gulliani

Liberty Mutual


A social media engagement tool is a platform that allows small business owners, or social media managers, to reply to their social media comments, stay on top of important interactions, and turn followers into fans.

There are many benefits in using a social media engagement tool to reply to comments. Here are a few reasons why people prefer to use Posts Baby’s engagement tool:

  • Our simple dashboard makes it easy to see and respond to all of your comments quickly, without jumping from platform to platform;
  • We use a mix of filtering and machine learning to identify whether a comment is a negative comment, a comment with a question, or a comment about a purchase;
  • You can use keyboard hotkeys and smart emojis to help you quickly interact with more fans, without having to pick up your phone.

Replying to comments on social media can seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be. Posts Baby’s engagement tool allows you to engage with your followers quickly and easily across Facebook Pages and Instagram business accounts.With a few clicks, you can reply or react with an emoji and make sure every comment is answered. Plus, with our sentiment and label features, you won’t miss an opportunity to connect with your customers. You can quickly see negative comments, questions, or comments about your orders — right from your dashboard!

By replying to comments on social media, you’re showing your followers (and customers) that you care, that you’re responsive, and that their feedback matters. All of this helps you build connections and can help you stand apart from other businesses who aren’t as responsive. Also, when followers know they can expect a reply from you, they’re more likely to comment on other posts, tag you in Stories, and share your brand with non-followers. All of this increases overall social media engagement and serves as word-of-mouth marketing.

If you don’t have a dedicated social media manager or team, replying to every comment, DM, and message can be tough. But, responding in a timely manner is important, especially on platforms like Instagram where Stories expire in 24 hours. Using our engagement tool will make it easy to see and respond to all of your comments quickly, without jumping from platform to platform.

With Posts Baby’s engagement tool, you can reply to comments quickly and easily across Facebook Pages and Instagram business accounts.

Our engagement tool is available on all paid plans and you can try it for free on our 14-day free trial. No credit card required and you can cancel at any time.

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