Customer Care

Deliver more responsive social customer care

Quickly resolve customer inquiries and provide a seamless customer experience through better collaboration across teams.

Make customer care effortless and customer experiences seamless

Manage every inquiry in one place.

Across SMS, social media, WhatsApp, live chat, and apps—get a unified view of all of your customer service channels and never keep a message waiting.

Put customer data at your fingertips

Anticipate people’s needs and solve complex problems faster by integrating customer data from chatbots, CRMs, and agent interactions in a single dashboard.

Work smarter with reporting and intelligence.

Seamlessly collect feedback, set customer service level targets, and distribute CSAT surveys to get immediate insight into what’s working and what isn’t.

Keep it personal, even at scale

Customize bots and bring in automation to handle overflow and get context to your customers without overwhelming agents or keeping people in line.

Find and resolve social support messages quickly and efficiently

Find all customer inquiries

by monitoring your social channels and mentions about your brand across global and regional networks.

Assign and tag posts automatically

so messages reach the right person or team for a quick and efficient response.

Reply seamlessly

with pre-approved responses or integrating with your CRM and help desk solutions.

Track efficiency

through the time and number of touches it takes to resolve inquiries—by individual, team, or region.

Respond quickly to customers using chatbots

and ensure messages requiring further assistance are seamlessly handed over to a human representative.

Improve customer satisfaction through efficient collaboration

Resolve issues faster

by setting up automated rules and keywords to triage incoming posts.

Avoid duplicate responses

by assigning messages to specific people or teams

Improve customer satisfaction

with social customer service training and social media education for your reps.

We saw very quickly that people really appreciated that a brand talked back, that we listened to our customers, we listened to their problems and we tried to help them.

Mathias Bloom

Marketing Chief @ Balbuena Research

See how Posts Baby helps deliver more responsive social customer service